You can request a self-taped audition, live in-person audition, or live virtual audition from talent on a per-applicant basis, by clicking on the Request Audition button on their application.
- Self-Tape Auditions: Send talent the script sides you'd like them to read. They'll then make an audio or video recording (your choice!) of their performance, which will be delivered to you in your Application Manager.
- In-Person Auditions: Create an audition schedule, choosing exactly when and where you'd like to hold auditions and how many actors you'd like to see per slot/time-period. Move the applicants you'd like to audition into your Auditions: Unscheduled folder, and then use our scheduling system to automatically fill them into your available time-slots, or manually control the process by dragging and dropping the candidates into the slots and order you'd like to see them in. Then send out audition applications to all of your selected talent with a couple of clicks. The platform's scheduling system will then let you know which candidates have confirmed that they'll attend, which have declined, and which have requested to reschedule for a different time.
- Virtual Auditions: Access all of the same powerful tools available in the In-Person Auditions system, but without needing to hold auditions at a physical location. Instead, you can audition talent via a live video conference. You can also invite collaborators to participate in the virtual audition room with you as well. A recording of the audition will be automatically generated for you (and become available for download or playback on the site) within approximately one hour after the audition ends.
After an initial round of auditions, you can also move your favorite candidates on to a Callback phase. Callbacks (aka, second-round auditions) can also take the form of self-tapes, in-person meetings, and virtual auditions.
The following video provides a detailed walkthrough of our audition tools:
Get started by clicking on the ellipsis and selecting "Request an Audition" on any application:

Or you can send requests in bulk, by selecting some or all applicants and then using the "Actions -> Request an Audition" option:

With self-tapes, you can specifically request that the talent submit a Video or Audio audition. And you can attach notes and script sides to your requests. Like this:

After an applicant has been sent an audition request, their application will be automatically moved to your project's Auditions folder. There, you'll find additional sub-folders that will allow you to track the progress of your audition requests:

The Audition sub-folders include:
- All Audition: All of the applicants that you've placed in your Auditions folder.
- Unscheduled: Applicants that you've moved to your Auditions folder but you haven't sent an audition request to yet.
- Self-Tape: Applicants you've sent a self-tape audition request to. (They'll automatically get moved to the Self-Tape: Received folder once they've responded to your request by sending you a self-taped audition.)
- In-Person: Applicants that you've placed in your Audition Schedule for a live in-person audition at a specific physical location.
- Virtual: Applicants that you've placed in your Audition Schedule for a live virtual-audition video-conference.
- Yes: Your favorite applicants that you've auditioned.
- No: Auditioned applicants that you're removing from consideration for the time being; these candidates can also be found in your Archived folder.
Additional folders within the sub-folders also automatically organize things into more granular segments for you, such as which candidates have confirmed that they'll be able to attend your auditions or not.
You can also further filter down and sort the results in your Auditions folder using any of the other Application Manager options (such as filtering by role, gender, location, etc.).
Once you've received a self-tape audition, simply click on the applicant to view their audition video or audio submission.
For live in-person and virtual auditions, switch from the default Grid View to the special Schedule View for a cleaner overview of your schedule, access to your virtual-audition conference rooms, and advanced scheduling options:

Note: Applicants are automatically notified when you send them an audition request or a direct message. However, any decisions you make to mark an application as a Yes, No, Archived, or Hire will not trigger any alerts to the applicants; your decisions are private, as are your notes.
Setting Up a Schedule:
Once applicants have applied to your job or casting call, you can quickly choose your favorites to audition. This can take the form of a self-tape audition request or a live (virtual or in-person) audition.
Audition schedules can be created on-the-fly as you choose applicants to audition, or you can set up schedules ahead of time.
For live auditions, the easiest thing to do is to first create your schedule. Then bulk-move your favorite candidates to your "Auditions: Unscheduled" folder. From there, you can use automation options to quickly populate your schedule. And/or you can easily drag-and-drop candidates into specific audition time slots:

Advanced Features Include:
- Flexible scheduling options let you set exactly how many performers you'd like to audition within any span of time.
- Time slots are automatically generated for you based on the criteria you enter.
- Schedule in planned breaks, shift around schedules, and reorder applicants as needed.
- Keep track of confirmations and reschedule requests.
- Optionally allow talent to reschedule themselves if you have open time slots available.
- Second-round callback auditions.
- Add your favorite auditionees to shortlists to share with your clients and colleagues.